The Roadrunner Story
In 1988 Roadrunner Home Bake began in a small garage in Gladstone, Oregon. The Fresh-Frozen Dough Take-N-Bake pizzas quickly developed a reputation of having a Pizzeria quality that was far superior to the par-baked (pre-cooked) pizzas that were being sold in the local stores. Today Roadrunner Home Bake provides fresh-frozen dough products to supermarkets, grocery stores, hospitals, schools and fundraising groups. Roadrunner is actively involved in the community and supports sustainability farming efforts.
Why Roadrunner?
Roadrunner is the only manufacturer in the country that offers a complete line of fresh-frozen dough Take-N-Bake pizzas for your stores deli department. This allows stores to offer Pizzeria quality pizzas without ANY employee labor involved in creating the dough or topping the pizzas.
Maximum Quality
Maximum Profit
What’s Fresh Frozen Dough?
We've perfected a technique that rapidly freezes our unique fresh pizza dough. This fresh-frozen dough has a freezer shelf life of 4 months. When the dough is thawed to room temperature, the yeast is reactivated and the dough begins to rise or ”proof”. Baking a pizza right after it has risen is the ONLY way to get a Pizzeria quality crust.
Baking pizzas made with par-baked or (pre-cooked) dough results in a flavor profile similar to cardboard.